Your News. Your Views. And More.

  CURRENT & BREAKING NEWS - Quick Updates, various sources, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:


    Opinions... Perspectives... Points Of View... Takes...
    Yours and Ours... & Others

    Every newspaper has the news section, where reporters/ journalists are often expected to aim for objectivity, to remain neutral while covering all sides of an issue and avoiding bias.

    There is another section where the editorial staff/ team serves as commentators or analysts, providing their thoughts/ opinions or their personal point-of-view on various subjects of the day.

    This is that subjective section of News Treasury.

    News is about life. It's about events that may directly or indirectly influence our life. It's about the ins and outs of daily living. We believe that if we take a closer look at what's going on around us, as well as other people's experiences, we can clearly pick up some lessons that when taken into account in our own individual little way, we will clearly see some benefits - some life's lessons, if you will, which hopefully may help guide use see through life as an individual, and as a society as well.

    This segment of the website aims just that: to see how other people's experiences can influence our own life.

    This segment, therefore, is simply about LIFE and PEOPLE.

    Enjoy this section, and hopefully we'll all learn something from it.

    This is our - and your (& others') - take on life (& politics), in general.

    Your opinion matters. Are you a commentator or analyst? Do you provide your thoughts/ opinions or your personal point-of-view on any subject? Got some life lessons you learned that you'd like to share?

    Your opinion matters. We encourage you to join here. Let's be a team. Share your views. You can agree or disagree. You can share your thoughts about any topic you may have in mind.

    Your opinion matters.
    Your contributions - opinions, perspectives, points of view, takes - are welcome here. You never know, yours might just be the next one featured in this section - like these:

    Alright, need second prompt? :) As always-
    Let's be a team. Share your views. You can agree or disagree. You can share your thoughts about any topic you may have in mind. You never know, yours might just be the next one featured in this section.

    Your contributions - opinions, perspectives, points of view, takes - are welcome here.

    What's happening in the news?

    ...Now, it's your turn.
    Ever wonder how you can make some news
    by telling someone how you really feel?
    Well, let's be a team...
    You provide the message, we provide the platform.

    Got any news clippings?
    They gotta be special news.
    Isn't it great for the world to see that?

    Together, we can make some news.

    NEWS STORIES DON'T STOP. Are You Up-To-Date? -- All News and Views All The Time.

    We present to you how media report and how they cover the news. We gather news stories from many sources to maximize news coverage, and see all angles of the stories (and, in the process, minimize media bias). We present news stories. You compare. You decide. Opinions welcome.

    News possesses power, with direct or indirect impact on our lives. How has news affected you? How do you see the world?

    Is there a media bias? We present. You decide.

    Got Comments? Opinions? Feedback? About the site / page / anything?

    #BeInTheKnow:    Like us on Facebook.   Follow us on Twitter.

    News Treasury - Share your news. Share your views.

    "NEWS is any report or communication of recent events or previously unknown information to a third-party or mass audience, that may have a specified influence or effects. It is anything that's newsworthy..."

    Share your views - as they reflect your experience.
    Do you believe that experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer?

    There have been more than 279879182 events that have happened around you that you could've shared your views on since you loaded this page. These events have either direct or indirect effects on you and your family.

    ...Be aware of what's shaping the world...
    Get involved...
    Remember: You are part of tomorrow's history...