Your News. Your Views. And More.

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    Got old newspaper clippings?

    Many of us have clippings of old news for us to keep, and probably share with our family, children and grandchildren. But why stop there? Why not go further and share it with the whole world? If it gets printed in the newspaper, it means it’s newsworthy.

    If you would like to post and share your news, please perform the following simple steps:

    1. Scan (or take a picture of) your clippings of your old news. (Make sure to include the newspaper’s name, and the date – and page – it was printed).

    2. Fill out the form below.

    In the message, you may put your name or not (it's optional). We can give give you credit for providing the copy of the news if you specify it (and what name we'll put) in your message. You may put your email address or not (it's also optional). We'll notify you when it's posted if we have your email address. MailFile

    That's it, and we'll put your news in digital form for generations to treasure.
    Again, we'll send you an email with a link to your own news archive on the web, if you provide us with your email address.

    NEWS STORIES DON'T STOP. Are You Up-To-Date? -- All News and Views All The Time.

    We present to you how media report and how they cover the news. We gather news stories from many sources to maximize news coverage, and see all angles of the stories (and, in the process, minimize media bias). We present news stories. You compare. You decide. Opinions welcome.

    News possesses power, with direct or indirect impact on our lives. How has news affected you? How do you see the world?

    Is there a media bias? We present. You decide.

    Got Comments? Opinions? Feedback? About the site / page / anything?

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    News Treasury - Share your news. Share your views.

    "NEWS is any report or communication of recent events or previously unknown information to a third-party or mass audience, that may have a specified influence or effects. It is anything that's newsworthy..."

    Share your views - as they reflect your experience.
    Do you believe that experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer?

    There have been more than 279879182 events that have happened around you that you could've shared your views on since you loaded this page. These events have either direct or indirect effects on you and your family.

    ...Be aware of what's shaping the world...
    Get involved...
    Remember: You are part of tomorrow's history...